Taught by: Rachael Tay

   The drive for leadership begins from the desire to fulfil purpose.From the beginning, Gen 1:26 God tells man to have dominion over the things he created.Having dominion is fulfilling purpose.And you cannot talk about leadership without talking about purpose.Every man has a purpose in life. So everyman is in capacity to lead.
  True leadership begins with you.The first person you lead is yourself.
  What is your purpose in life and how are you going about it to glorify God? Leadership is a selfless act. It comes with bearing sacrifices.

  How you lead yourself determines the kind of followers you will have.Jesus said in His word that a servant cannot be greater than his master.What you want to see in the people that follow you must be a trait you have in you.
   Jesus Christ is a perfect example. Everything He wanted from us He first became it,therefore we can equally say like Paul imitate me as I imitate Christ.

  Remember that leadership has to do with dominion over things God created but not over man.When we begin to have dominion over man that becomes tyranny.So God is expecting us to bring His Kingdom here on earth.

   As Christian leaders, we are ambassadors for the kingdom conforming what is on earth to look like heaven. We don't fit into the conditions created by the world but we take charge and show them the way.
   Showing people the way in any sphere of influence such as music, sports, fashion, politics, entertainment, business etc is leadership.God is expecting us to find dominion in those areas.So let's look back at our lives and where we find ourselves how is our life impacting others- not necessarily what we say.

  Are we truly acting as salt of the earth and light to the world?You see when we don't lead in these aspects we are letting God down.

  I believe that leadership is every believer's call and the way it would be carried out differs that is diverse mode of operations as the Lord gives abilities through the help of the Holyspirit:He is always there to help us.
   We all know how a nation complains when there is no right leader to lead them,so is it when we also don't lead in the areas God has placed us.

  To summarize everything- leadership begins with you after you've discovered your purpose, then set the standards according to God's kingdom and don't fit in, stand out.


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