"Why You Act The Way You Do" is a book that has taught millions of people around the world, including me, why they do things in certain ways. The teachings in it profoundly and deeply dealt with what your personality and temperament entails, why you react and behave in a particular way. Readers, through this book, have also discovered how temperament affects their work, emotions, spiritual lives and relationships and have also learnt how to make improvements in areas necessary.

Temperament, according to Tim Lahaye, is the combination of traits we inherited from our parents which is somewhere in the mind or emotional centre and then combine with other human characteristics to produce our basic makeup. It is a person's temperament that makes him outgoing and extroverted or shy and introverted. The truth behind why people think, talk, relate differently is as a result of their makeup and of which temperament is a major determinant. It helps you to see what makes other people thick and how differently they process the same information.

Wow! What an amazing situation you could find yourself in sometimes with other people and you just wonder where they got their kind of attitude from and then, you get pissed. Temperament, I guess, is one of the major elements in humans that make people interact differently, so reading this book will help you in empathizing with people rather than being judgemental.

Many a times, when it comes to relationship, it is not always easy to relate. We do a lot of stupid things in relationships like wanting someone to think and behave just the way we would in certain conditions and when it doesn't work out that way, we become mad. Hmm! Please give your self a break by reading this book, a lot of scriptural back ups  that will help to heal your heart are embedded in it. Also, know the reason behind why we do some crazy things sometimes. You will not only be amazed but also learn how to become better in your dealings.

We have different collections of temperament like the sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy and their blends as well. How to manage and strengthen your temperament weaknesses, how to choose a vocational career and life partner based on your temperament types and so many other life enhancing topics. In this book, you will also learn how temperament affects:
*Eating habit
*Driving skills
*The way you shop
*Study habits
*communication skills
*bills paying
*child care, the way you sleep, exercise, your hobbies, select life, etc. The list is really endless. The book is already in my shelf, the more I flip through the pages, the more truth I get, so you should as well.

The truth remains. Due to the fact that most people are extremely unaware of this incredibly powerful influence in their life and behaviour, they tend to conflict with this inner power and often try to make something of themselves that they were never intended to be, which not only limits them personally but affects their immediate family and often spoils other interpersonal relationships. Take for instance, you are the melancholy that has mood swings quite often. You would have to understand yourself to a great extent so that you would also know how to manage this weakness while you improve on yourself.

Are you a mature person? A matured person is one who is sufficiently objective about themself to know both his strengths and his weaknesses and has created a planned program for overcoming his weaknesses. Romans 8:37 says "we are more than conquerors through Christ that loved us." Rely on God today while you make a deliberate effort about having a changed life because knowing both your strengths and weaknesses is the first giant step towards that mature person you have always wanted to be. Thanks for reading. Share your thoughts too.

Reviewed by Edobor Faith


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