Take the stairs was originally published February 7th,2012.
 The principles outlined in this book are only but to help guide as many who desire a change as they get to understand that Success is not about taking the escalator,its about taking the stairs.

 Successful people have all had to do things they didn't feel like doing in order to get where they are.

Discipline is a perpetual process and the growth is in the journey;You don't get a day off.
There are seven mind-blowing strategy outline in this book that you will need in order to take the stairs to the life you've always wanted.

(1)Sacrifice: The paradox principle
(2)Commitment: The buy-in principle
(3)Focus:The magnification principle
(4)Integrity: The creation principle
(5)Schedule: The Harvest principle
(6)Faith: The perspective principle
(7)Action: The pendulum principle

They are all simplified self- disciplined principles that will help liberate your potentials.
So let's take a look at them briefly:

(1)SACRIFICE:The paradox principle

Often times we push aside what we already know,and act on a short term desires,only to pay a much bigger price later.

We often underestimate the invisible compounding effects that accentuate the impacts of our choices.

Is the person that makes the sacrifice that gets the gift.Sometimes in ways we wouldn't expect..

So with this principle, we are encouraged by the author to create a clear picture of what we want in the long run and we will find that our endurance,pain,strife,discipline, hardwork will naturally increase to levels we never thought we had.Then we are bound to enter into a new world where we can have everything we want as long as we don't lose heart.

(2) COMMITMENT: The buy-in principle.

The more we've invested in something, the less likely we shouldn't  let it fail.

Have you ever known a lot of people who seem to have so much potential but are never able to put it together to become a top performer?

Commitment entails that so much of both emotional and physical energy is going to be expended but the peak or pivot point at which both of this energy culminate is going to be your turning points of Success.

What makes the differences at these moments of our lives is asking the question HOW",as opposed to an  attitudes such as "am I good enough?" Or "am I sure I can push through"?

When you start asking the question "How?",the creativity of our mind is unleashed and you see yourself achieving more than you've ever thought possible.

Although,very often the emotional energy of making a decision is greater than the physical energy of executing that decision,but then,we have to train and master the emotion of a yes attitude because life will always give you what you commit to not what you want.

Hesitancy or the feeling of I am not good or prepared to take up an opportunity causes us to naturally gravitate away from making the commitment that is Right in front of us.

Without commitment to our goals,our dreams,relationship...etc. They slip away..If you are at that pivot point of your life of asking should I instead of How?...you have to Make a change and act now and stop having clauses and conditions attached to your commitment

There is always a way when you are commited.

(3) FOCUS:The magnification principle.

Focus is literally power.An essential tool towards improving our self-discipline is improving our focus.

When we have diluted focus,we get diluted results.

In the absence of disciplined focus,we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.

Having a Vision boards is a very powerful way to focus because it enables you to quickly remind yourself of the things that you want,and to experience them as emotional triggers.
So why don't you set one for yourself today?Focus is a magnifier.

(4)INTEGRITY:The Creation principle.

The creation principle of integrity states that all of creation follows a simple and powerful pattern:

"You think it,you speak it,you act it,it happens". Our words are incredibly important in shaping our lives.

Choosing them with integrity is the fuel that will power us to take the stairs for life.

We must get control of our word and our integrity before we can get control of our life.

Words are the first manifestation of idea or thought into the real world.

Integrity is one of the only things that you take with you everywhere you go.You are in charge of creating the world around you.

(5) SCHEDULE:The Harvest Principle.

Under this law,the author gave a critical illustration with the Life of a farmer in the time of Harvest because within this law of Harvest lies the best available solution to the modern world's number one problem which is Time management.

A life on schedule is deeper than just doing the right thing at the exact time but it is a mindset.A conditioned of mental toughness.

Being on schedule means having a regimented routine within a harvest season.

(6) FAITH:The Perspective Principle.

 To change your behavior, change your perspective.

When we lose faith in the future and we lose focus of where today fits into the greater timeline of the history of our lives,then we have no basis for perspective.

The extent of our faith determines the term of our perspective and the term of our perspective determines the size of our problems.

Sometimes we make choices not out of a lack of discipline, but out of a lack of perspective and Faith.

(7) ACTION:The Pendulum Principle.

The pendulum principle states that once a pendulum is released,it cannot return to a point higher than the point from which it was released.

But the law of action states that,it does not matter what we say we believe;Our real beliefs are revealed by How we act.

You can understand the law of pendulum for instance and not believe in it.

You can understand everything written in this book and not also believe in it.The only time or way it will be so glaring that you believe is by taking action.

Having a take the Stairs mindset means that you don't just recognized your inadequacies; you resolve them.

Check yourself if the cause of your inaction isn't a struggle with any of these deep-rooted attitudes such as

Fear:I am scared to do it.

Entitlement:I shouldn't have to do it.

Perfectionism: I won't try to do it if I can't do it right.

Action does validates our words.

In the words of Brian Tracy...If you want to take action,take it now.
 These are all summary of what I was able to bring out from my understanding of the book:TAKE THE STAIRS.

So what is your take?

Read through and let's hear what you think about this Book.

God bless your heart.

Reviewed by Edobor Faith.


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