
Showing posts from March, 2018


TALENTS IS NEVER ENOUGH BY John.C.Maxwell: #Reviewed by Benedict  MAYOR  "John C. Maxwell" is an author and speaker on leadership. His books, which have sold more than 12 million copies, include The Difference Maker, Be All You Can Be and Failing Forward. Most of his writings talks about people depending on their talent.   According to him talent is ordinary. Everyone has talent of one sort or another. The trick is to develop and enhance your talents and maximize your abilities so you can reach your goals. You will accomplish more if you focus on improving your talents than you will if you add other principles to your talent.    Now before going forward we need to understand what talent means: Many sees  Talent as a gift, or aptitude that one naturally have.  Talent is the skill that someone naturally has to do something that might seem  hard to others. It is an ability that someone is born with.  Examples;Singing, dancing,  w...


TOPIC:*Creative ways to make money as a writer. Taught by:Homa Phebe Jameson     Writing is the act of recording on paper or any platform by which what is written can be read later.We all write,we may not all be writers yet, but we all write. In the church, school,at home, on the road, office etc.   Writing with pen and paper is soon fading away. We now use our fingers as pen and phone,tab,laptop,ipad as paper.Writing is a skill. It is also a Gift to some others. Habakuk 2:2....And the Lord answered me, write the Vision and make it plain upon tables(ipad,system,wall of your house, etc) that he may run that readeth it.Writing shows an intention to commit to something. So according to God's word, it is a means by which A Dream or Vision is pursued.To be creative in writing does not happen in one day. It is a skill as much as it is a Gift but consistency brings out its best.       Writing is a skill and can be learned. No one wants to read a boring a...

Starting your best life now

Book Title: Starting your best life now    This devotion-like book is written by Joel osteen and was first published in 2007 with about 87 pages  According to the author,so many people go through life with low self esteem,focusing on the negative part of life,feeling inferior or inadequate,always dwelling on reasons why they can't be happy.Other put off their happinesses, until some future dates,unfortunately "someday never comes.     Today is the only day we have,we can't do anything about the past,and we don't know what the future holds.But we can live at our full potential right now! In this book,you will discover just how to do that.     Within the pages of the book,you will find seven simple,yet profound steps, to start your best life.And I am going to be touching them in the course of this review,one after the other    1:Enlarge your vision:   In enlarging your visions,I learnt that you have to start by thinking big,incr...

Redeeming Love

The book " Redeeming Love " written by Francine Rivers is a Christian Fiction and romance novel which is almost replica, more like a retelling, of the biblical story of Gomer and Hosea. The book has two versions, the original which was published in 1991 and the second version published in 1997. The essence of the second version was to make it more presentable to Christian literature market. More editing was done on the original copy in a bit to remove some coarse words and love scenes, making it a clean read.  It is a novel that is beautifully written with so much grace and eloquence. Undoubtedly a page turner, once you begin, you keep going till the end.  The storyline is centred around Sarah, who was never accepted by her father because she was an illegitimate child from her parent's secret love affairs. Suddenly, Sarah's mother, Mae, stops receiving support from her lover and so retorted to sleeping around to fend for herself and her daughter. Unfortunately,...


Topic: Faith Anchor scripture: 2Peter1:5-11: 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 1:6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 1:7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1:9 But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. 1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The first key word to note in the above scripture is 'Faith'. I would like to ask us a quick question before we proceed. What is Faith...