TALENTS IS NEVER ENOUGH BY John.C.Maxwell: #Reviewed by Benedict MAYOR "John C. Maxwell" is an author and speaker on leadership. His books, which have sold more than 12 million copies, include The Difference Maker, Be All You Can Be and Failing Forward. Most of his writings talks about people depending on their talent. According to him talent is ordinary. Everyone has talent of one sort or another. The trick is to develop and enhance your talents and maximize your abilities so you can reach your goals. You will accomplish more if you focus on improving your talents than you will if you add other principles to your talent. Now before going forward we need to understand what talent means: Many sees Talent as a gift, or aptitude that one naturally have. Talent is the skill that someone naturally has to do something that might seem hard to others. It is an ability that someone is born with. Examples;Singing, dancing, w...