Writing tips


 Does it sound funny?

Many a time, a fine writer writes a very good book or article and wonders why she can't sell her book.

The dream of every writer is for people to read their work aside the bit of fame and money writing brings, true?

But the mistake most writers make is that they don't have a specific target audience.

There are different categories of literature.
 Within the fiction category and the non fiction category.

No matter your area of expertise as a writer, you must have a target audience.

 Within fiction, there are different genres, ranging from romance, thrillers, fantasy,etc.

 And all these genres have a kind of audience that loves to read them.

 Take for instance,as a writer you must know who is most interested in your kind of literature and why.What gender is most interested?What age group will find your work incredible?

"the garden was lovely, I am happy I am free from Mariander and her problem.
Oh, I never knew there are pink rose or even white,I thought roses were all red. But I saw white and pink and even a dashing yellow rose.

"I was still playing around when Joba came with his evil army. I ran and ran until the handsome prince of Arizona came with his white horse and saved me. Then the cloud called my name and the flowers too.
And the golden stream,
And the hills.Then I fell off the horse and I woke up. It was my annoying Mariander of a sister that has been calling me.I think I am cursed with the most annoying sister in the world."

 Ok, who do you think will likely read this kind of piece?

I bet a woman at her forties will frown at you if you buy her such.

 Every a lady at her twenties won't really find it awesome.

But a girl in her early teens might give you a warm hug for it.

So basically, when you write, you have to determine your audience before you set out to publish your work.

Your target audience will help you get your work across a broader audience if they find it interesting.

 So know your genre very well and what works if you are a fiction writer.

 And if you are not a fiction writer, still know your niche very well, so that you can tell who will find your work helpful.

Just the way people's taste differ when it comes to food is the same way it differs when it comes to literature.

 What I may like to read might be different from what you enjoy reading.

#Taught by Dekpen Tamarakeipreye

TOPIC:How To Write Prolifically.

   First of all, I'd like to define the term, Prolific--
 It means producing results or works in abundance.
   Now, relating this to writing, it could mean writing in such a way that our written works bear abundant fruits,and by fruits, I mean good results. Especially good feedbacks from your readers and what have you.
 To be prolific could also mean to be consistent as a writer,and not just consistent, to as well find ways to improve our crafts so as not to get stuck in the tide of time.
   Now, the question is, how can we be prolific as writers?

   I'm going to be giving out some tips on how we can as writers, be prolific.

1. Keep Writing: One beautiful thing about writing is that we get better at the craft the more we write. This is our trademark as writers. We write to improve ourselves, to increase our writing skills.

 2. Read Wide: As writers, we can't do without this second bit. The more we read, the greater our chances of learning new things in the literary world. No man is an island. We have to explore other people's worlds to see what goes down there. This will add to our experiences as writers and as we know, experience is very essential in writing.

 3. Put up your works for criticism: When we write, we should not only show our works to people who would praise us and 'overhype' our works. We should as well endeavour to show them to people who we feel are better than us in the literary field. This will go a long way in boosting our skills in the craft.It will enable us develop a tough skin overtime and we won't be scared of whatever kind of criticism we get from readers.
  Now, to end, being prolific as a writer doesn't mean we will begin to write effortlessly. Rather, it will make us more courageous as writers.

#Taught by Ugwu Joshua Ebuka

TOPIC:*Creative ways to make money as a writer.

Taught by:Homa Phebe Jameson

    Writing is the act of recording on paper or any platform by which what is written can be read later.We all write,we may not all be writers yet,but we all write. In church, school,at home, on the road, office etc.
Writing with pen and paper is soon fading away.We now use our fingers as pen and phone,tab,laptop,ipad as paper.Writing is a skill. It is also a Gift to some others.Habakuk 2:2....And the Lord answered me, write the Vision and make it plain upon tables(ipad,system,wall of your house, etc) that he may run that readeth it.Writing shows an intention to commit to something. So according to God's word, it is a means by which A Dream or Vision is pursued.To be creative in writing does not happen in one day. It is a skill as much as it is a Gift but consistency brings out its best.

    Writing is a skill and can be learned. No one wants to read a boring article or book. If you must be a best seller you must sharpen your writing skills. It makes your readers glued to your contents whether fiction or nonfiction like a seasonal movie. People actually buy you and not what you write because you earned their time, it makes them committed to your contents because they get inspired and they also learn from you.
   People also read your contents if it makes them happy.... Entertainment writers. People get glued to your contents if your are exposing facts or teaching what is needful to them.They can spend 10k on a book if it has solutions to the problems they face.
  Last month I bought a book and a course for 15k because I needed it,to save myself stress and mistakes.

   Writing is fun, play the game to win. Have the right motive for writing else you will miss your essence and even end up developing crabby contents on social media.What's your writing Vision for say 10 years from now?

Have you had that planned? How would you get to become your Dream you?

We often talk about writing but don't actually write.Write your writing plan. So what are those ways we make money from writing?

1. Blog hosting
There are quite a number of high quality authorised blogs that are willing to pay you to blog for them.

Most times its a writing internship I know UNICEF creates that opportunity for youths and even offer certificates.
   Success online magazine too.
 Most of them are international blogs and they pay in Dollars.

  2. Social media virtual invites .

By this I mean when you position yourself as an authority in your niche. Either as a blogger, author, speaker etc. You are invited to different Groups on Facebook, whatsapp,twitter etc to teach and they pay you for sharing contents.
Still on number 2.

You are payed when you have value to offer.

That's why you need to develop yourself in your chosen niche.

Become the Genius.

Be the Go to person,don't sit in your small corner.

Apply to different platforms on social media that have large audience to teach.

 Develop yourself and register your name in the hearts of thousands of people you meet.

*Build your tribe*

This is your own audience that have followed you for some time.

Here is where you host writing challenges, teach people and they pay you very well.

3. Books

This is one major area writers get paid from.
It is a daily pay
It is massive but you have to solve a problem before people can commit to always buying your books.

Testimonials alone can triple your book sales.

And how can people even talk good about a boring book.So becoming an author is not just about jotting down words and publishing it. It's a project and must be given your best. From the introduction to conclusion must be interesting.Your book cover must be inviting. Your conclusion must be compelling

 4. Social media content developer.

Most companies now employ for this position.

You create content for the company on all their social media platforms everyday.

This is interesting because you don't need to be at work from 8-5pm. You have shorter work hours.This keeps the brand of the company in the heart of people because every one is online now.

We spend even more time online than with Friends and even family sometimes. You can apply for this role to any company in Nigeria that values Customer Service and Brand. And they are all awakening to the social media age.

 5. Online marketing

This is vast as it covers even more than social media platforms.

You introduce brands to potential customers or an environs that is not aware of a product.

Using Video graphing, artificial intelligence and lots more.

Basically to make a product known online and increase sales.

 6. Webinars

Here you organise seminars online and teach different writing techniques or how to write a book,
How to plan a book lunch
How to write compelling articles etc.And this Webinars are payable. Depending on the value you are giving out.

Some writing Webinars in Nigeria are even up-to 25k. One held last month and people paid for it.Because it solves a problem.So don't just write for writing sake. *Be intentional and strategic*

*Still on books*

 _Amazon_ is fast paying writers in dollars everyday Don't just be a local writer.

People in Dubai should call and Appreciate you for inspiring them or teaching them.

 *Audio books*

You can speak your book too and have it read in the United States, United Kingdom, China, in their Super stores, Book stores, etc.
Making you an international author and even have opportunity of becoming an international best seller.

 *Book editing /proof reading*

Everyone is fast becoming an author every day.

Pitch or apply to become their editor.

You can start up an editing group.

People pay heavy for editing because they want their books to be professional.Don't wait for inspiration just write.

Discipline yourself to be committed to writing....You Grow with time.

Don't struggle to write like some else.
Grow your own writing culture. Though you can admire and learn but don't be another person.

I wish you all the best in your writing career.


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