This featured topic is designed to help young people cultivate competencies necessary for social innovation but equally transferable to all areas of life, world and community
Discipline is the ability to train some one to obey rules or a code of behavior using punishment to correct disobedience
In other hand training that makes people more willing to obey
Or more able to control themselves in the form of rules and punishment
More so the ability to control your appetite for things not necessary even in difficult situation, such as finance, relationship, business ventures, career, ministry, vision. etc
A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal
What is self discipline?
The ability to force or compel your self to do something you know you should do whether you feel like or not.
The major key to your better future is you and the worse enemy to your tomorrow is you therefore cultivate the discipline therapy and live above mediocrity to explore your world.
Note; The culture of self discipline makes it habitual.
The different between a successful and unsuccessful person is one who is able to maximize it's opportunity
Equal life is given to all men but different application,Is that not amazing?
Self discipline is a stepping stone to your divine glorious destiny.
Now let's see ways through which we embark on the process (discipline)
Here are the tip's to offer you disciplinship,Ownership, Integrative thinking, Self development, Financial literacy, Execution.
Ownership: this is the ability to make discission or choice. God has created us to have dominion over all (Gen) whether vision, goal, or an entire social venture
Without ownership no one is responsible and nothing happens.
You are responsible for your actions (John Coleman).
Integrative thinking: This is 21st century successor to the all important skill of problem solving.
The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function (F.Scott Fitzgerald).
In other words all challenges has solution if well directed and critically analysed.
Meaning, it is all about taking opposing perspectives or ideas and strategically crafting a third choice that contains elements of both but improves on it.
Before we go further let's see how successful leaders think.
They prefer to accept the world as it is, on the other hand integrity thinkers keep their options open ie they welcome the challenge of shaping the world for the better (Roger Martin).
Self development: to embark on discipline is not a jackpot, it is not automatic.
No man is born to be discipline rather it is a process, it is workable, it is not ready made.
(Get off your comfort zone and access the new you), Even apostle Paul beat's sore out of his body. Is it not so?
Note: our self is the worse enemy not witchcraft.
Financial literacy: that is maximizing your financies.
Execution: Take a bold step to carry out your vision
Without execution the pyramids would not have been built, the internet would not exist and the greatest book would not have been written.
(Action versus discipline equal to product)(Vicky)
Without doing, dreaming is useless (Rilla Alexander)
Get knowledge, Be transform, Get discipline and explore, Execute and be celebrated.
Taught by Miss Victoria Amarachi Nzeakor.
Discipline is the ability to train some one to obey rules or a code of behavior using punishment to correct disobedience
In other hand training that makes people more willing to obey
Or more able to control themselves in the form of rules and punishment
More so the ability to control your appetite for things not necessary even in difficult situation, such as finance, relationship, business ventures, career, ministry, vision. etc
A tool is any physical item that can be used to achieve a goal
What is self discipline?
The ability to force or compel your self to do something you know you should do whether you feel like or not.
The major key to your better future is you and the worse enemy to your tomorrow is you therefore cultivate the discipline therapy and live above mediocrity to explore your world.
Note; The culture of self discipline makes it habitual.
The different between a successful and unsuccessful person is one who is able to maximize it's opportunity
Equal life is given to all men but different application,Is that not amazing?
Self discipline is a stepping stone to your divine glorious destiny.
Now let's see ways through which we embark on the process (discipline)
Here are the tip's to offer you disciplinship,Ownership, Integrative thinking, Self development, Financial literacy, Execution.
Ownership: this is the ability to make discission or choice. God has created us to have dominion over all (Gen) whether vision, goal, or an entire social venture
Without ownership no one is responsible and nothing happens.
You are responsible for your actions (John Coleman).
Integrative thinking: This is 21st century successor to the all important skill of problem solving.
The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function (F.Scott Fitzgerald).
In other words all challenges has solution if well directed and critically analysed.
Meaning, it is all about taking opposing perspectives or ideas and strategically crafting a third choice that contains elements of both but improves on it.
Before we go further let's see how successful leaders think.
They prefer to accept the world as it is, on the other hand integrity thinkers keep their options open ie they welcome the challenge of shaping the world for the better (Roger Martin).
Self development: to embark on discipline is not a jackpot, it is not automatic.
No man is born to be discipline rather it is a process, it is workable, it is not ready made.
(Get off your comfort zone and access the new you), Even apostle Paul beat's sore out of his body. Is it not so?
Note: our self is the worse enemy not witchcraft.
Financial literacy: that is maximizing your financies.
Execution: Take a bold step to carry out your vision
Without execution the pyramids would not have been built, the internet would not exist and the greatest book would not have been written.
(Action versus discipline equal to product)(Vicky)
Without doing, dreaming is useless (Rilla Alexander)
Get knowledge, Be transform, Get discipline and explore, Execute and be celebrated.
Taught by Miss Victoria Amarachi Nzeakor.
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