The 360 degree leadership by John.C.Maxwell(SECTION 1)
John Maxwell who is a strong beacon and figure in the leadership sphere has once again released into the world a book to help us understand better the role of leadership not just to an organization, but in our personal life and development. So that we can lead ourselves and families to our predetermined goals. So who is a 360 degree leader? Leadership is all about influence. How much you can influence people around you.Your leadership level is determined by how many people you influence and the calibre of people you can influence. And in this world were success can be influenced by social skills, one needs to be able to influence not just those who are his subordinates, but also those at same level as he is and those who are levels above him. A 360 degree leader is one who leads/influences not only his subordinates, but his peers and also influences his leaders and their peers too. Being a 360 degree leader is not easy, but with the dedication to do it, you can achieve it. Le...