The 360 degree leadership by John.C.Maxwell(SECTION 1)
John Maxwell who is a strong beacon and figure in the leadership sphere has once again released into the world a book to help us understand better the role of leadership not just to an organization, but in our personal life and development. So that we can lead ourselves and families to our predetermined goals. So who is a 360 degree leader?
Leadership is all about influence. How much you can influence people around you.Your leadership level is determined by how many people you influence and the calibre of people you can influence. And in this world were success can be influenced by social skills, one needs to be able to influence not just those who are his subordinates, but also those at same level as he is and those who are levels above him.
A 360 degree leader is one who leads/influences not only his subordinates, but his peers and also influences his leaders and their peers too.
Being a 360 degree leader is not easy, but with the dedication to do it, you can achieve it. Leading from the middle of an organization.
A similarity from the Bible which I came across as I was studying this from the book of Acts 6:1-4* with emphasis on vs4. As those guys were handpicked to become middle leaders so as to give the apostles ease and free time to focus on other important matters.
People are not aware but the *REAL LEADERS* of an organization are the middle leaders, because they ease the weight and manage the organization so as to give the top heads time to direct the organization properly.
Now to talk about the 7 myths that people from the middle of the organization believe which may stop them from being 360 degree leaders.
MYTH 1. I can’t lead when I am not at the top.
Leadership is all about influence, nothing more and nothing less. It doesn’t matter where in the organization you are, you can extend your reach and influence people way above your peers in an organization. In that case, the right to lead must be earned individually with everyone you come in contact with and it must follow this 5 levels of leadership.
In the first stairway *(Position)*, people follow you because of the position that you currently are be it Pastor, Uncle, Mother or Administrative Assistant. And people will follow you based on your job description, meaning the lower your job description the lower your level of influence over them.
In the second stairway *(Permission)*, your influence increases to this level because you built a relationship with them. *You value them, treat them with care, dignity, integrity, and like a human being*. Then they will love to be lead by you and permit you to lead them.
In the third stairway *(Production)*, people will want you to lead them because of the *results* you achieve with their contribution.
In the fourth level *(People Development)* you *develop people, add value to them, mentor them and make them valuable*
In the fifth level *(Personhood)*, you lead because they respect you and all you have done to/for them across all 4 levels.
So in essence, leadership is not the position you sit, but the choices you make. You can be a leader wherever you are.
*MYTH 2. When I get to the top, I will learn to lead*
As we know that a marathon runner cannot begin his running without training, or begin his training on the D day, in like manner all leaders need to prepare , learning all he can about the leadership position before coming to that position.
Good leaders sharpen their skills in the trenches, learning how to properly lead and making mistakes when the stakes are small, because at the top position, small mistakes are costly with greater impact and higher level of exposure.
Taking another example from the Bible, Joseph sharpened his leadership skills in prison, bringing under his influence unruly men such as Murderers, Thieves, and Hard men who don’t regard the law. Being able to lead these men shows just how much training he had before given the opportunity to lead a Nation.
*MYTH 3. If I am at the top then people will follow me.*
People without leadership experience overestimate a leadership position, thinking that the position is as a reward for good work. But the fact is leadership position only gives you an opportunity to show your leadership experience I.e giving you a platform to use your influence which should have been garnished before now.
Influence is the real backbone of leadership, a good leader will increase his influence in a leadership position but a bad leader will reduce it to less than it was before he came into the position.
Leaders make the position not position making the leader.
[09/02 20:17] Ernest: *MYTH 4. When I get to the top, I will be in control *
On the contrary, without experience in a top position, one can overestimate the amount of control they can have, especially in larger organization . One will need to stretch their influence to the limit the higher they are in their organization because too many factors can affect ones leadership, and nothing protects anyone in top positions. E.g Nobody could protect Mourinho and he was sacked because of the team’s leadership problem.
*MYTH 5. When I get to the top, I will no longer be limited *
Some people think that when they climb the leadership ladder, less will be delegated to them, but that is wrong. A popular movie quote says “with more power comes more responsibility “, in this case with a climb in position, more responsibility will be given to the person. More is expected, more responsibility given and impact of his/her decision weighs heavily as one climbs upward.
*MYTH 6. I can’t reach my potential if I am not the top leader *
Not everyone is called to be the CEO, not everyone will become a Managing Director. Desiring such positions in itself is not bad, but most people will end up being a middle position leader, taking the heavier and most important load in terms of leadership. So all should work to be at the top of their game and not the King of the hill. The best way to utilize your potential is always getting better at your game than waiting on positions.
*And Finally, MYTH 7. If I can’t get to the top then I won’t try to lead”
This has a big relationship with the 6th myth. People like this become lax and lack motivation once they realize that they won’t make it to the top of their organization. But you don’t need to be the top Dog to make a difference. Wherever you are in the organization, your influence can be felt and spread so far that you must be recognized.
Reviewed by Releader Ernest...
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