Power of the subconscious mind
Power of the subconscious mind by HARRY .W.CARPENTER
Reviewed by: Ejiofor Deborah
The lessons in this book is for everyone who desires to be healthy, improve skills, become better person and have peace of mind.
The book talks about your subconscious mind and how it works.
First of all what is subconscious mind?
The part of your brain that you are aware of is your conscious mind and the part of your brain that you are not aware of is your subconscious mind.
The brain is that three pound organ in your head.
The mind is what the brain generates through its activity. It is the source of thoughts supplied to the brain.Your mind can control your body.
Recall : your conscious mind is that part of your brain that you are aware of and your subconscious mind is that part of your brain that you aren't aware of: Your conscious and subconscious mind cannot be separated and they ought to work together for you to achieve a better result.
The mind is the source of the thoughts supplied to the brain.
So according to the book,we are dealing with the power of the subconscious mind.
Power according to the English dictionary is defined as the ability to act,Force or energy in action.
The subconscious mind contain the software for our involuntary functions, emotions and habit.For instance if you continually think of success, your subconscious mind will guide you to success.
The subconscious mind accept what you feed it... Just like the saying "you are what you feed" here you are what you think. It's not what you are but what you think you are.
How does the
subconscious mind work?
The subconscious mind work with Desires,
Expectations and
Desire expectations and confidence work hand in hand.
What you desire strongly you shall have, What you strongly expect you shall have.What you strongly have confidence in you shall achieve.
The subconscious mind accept every thing as true for instance when a parent says to the child;You are so silly
You naughty girl
You will never graduate:These negative statement will have no effect if they are only said a few times, but if they are repeated with emotions, they are likely to be accepted by the subconscious mind
and begins to take effect.
The subconscious mind accepts things literally and out of context and with no sense of humor,that's why we should all watch and monitor what we say to ourselves, our children, our kids at school. Normally these statements have no effect on a person but if repeated over and over causes harm on the individual.
A phenomenon known as the organ language comes to play. This refers to a disease resulting from strong emotion that gets locked in an area of your body due to negative words. A researcher estimated that a child is told no 148,000 times in his early years, no wonder the potential of so many children is unnecessarily Limited.Because the yes the children hear are very limited,their potentials are hampered
until they discover how to use the power in their subconscious mind.Earlier or later in life, some never discover this.
Advantages of the subconscious mind;The healing system.
It mobilizes all the body resources.The belief system activates all healing through faith because fear hampers the subconscious mind.Every thought or idea causes a physical reaction,Worry lead to ulcer.
Fear lead to nervousness or stomach upset.
A person's actions , feelings, behavior is consistent with his/her self image. Change the self image and the personality will change, this change starts from the subconscious mind. Even the Bible says, be you transformed by the renewing of your mind.
How do i use my subconscious to achieve a greater result?
1. Think productive thoughts.
2. Have a productive attitude.
3. You must expect result when you give it command.
4. Activate your subconscious mind using words that evoke emotions and image, emotion is energy use it.
5. Use Repetition in feeding your affirmation
6. Replace a bad habit
7. Update your goals, go over your goals periodically.
8. Monitor your thoughts, feed your subconscious mind with only positive, constructive and healthy thoughts.
Lastly monitor what you say, think yourself only as you want to be.
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