The Believer's Authority
According to Ephesians 6:10-12,we've to understand that we're in a spiritual warfare and we've to recognize that the enemy;the devil is doing all he can to defeat us from our purpose or from fulfilling destiny.
Whom He may devour;
When you yield yourself to sin, you're serving Satan, who is
the author of that sin. But when you yield yourself to
obedience, you serve God, who is the author of that righteousness[Romans 6:16]..
In this spiritual battle, your actions are very important...
There's much more to life than just this physical, natural,
surface level. Spiritual dynamics are constantly taking place.
Whether or not the person you're speaking evil about ever
knows it, you'll be affected. Venting anger, frustration,
resentment, or unforgiveness affects you whether it affects
anyone else or not.
The wrath of Man
James 1:20 says, "The wrath of man worketh not the
righteousness of God."
In other words, giving place to anger
and bitterness doesn't accomplish the righteousness of God.
You aren't going to accomplish God's purposes by getting in
the flesh, giving in to anger, and losing your temper. That's not
the way God's kingdom works. So whether anyone else ever
hears you or not—what you say is having an effect on you.
When you
give place to anger and vent, Satan jumps on it like a
chicken on a June bug. The enemy will take full advantage of
an open door like that to come and steal,
kill, and destroy. (John 10:10.)
So we've to be careful not giving place to anger and not speaking negative words in the process because the enemy the devil will take advantage of those words,remember we're in a spiritual battle, you can employ self control when tensed up and guide your tongue not to proclaim otherwise from God's Word
Are you spiritually stinking?
We are unto God a sweet savour [smell] of Christ, in them
that are saved, and in them that perish. 2 Corithians 2:15
What is your spiritual scent? Are you giving off the sweet
aroma of Christ, or are you spiritually stinky? Just like flies and
rats, demons are attracted to open wounds and garbage in
your life.
Your rotten attitude—getting mad in traffic, being
bitter over whatever, and criticizing everything and everyone—
is putting out an aroma that's drawing every demon in the
county to your house. And you wonder, Why am I having these problems?
Your thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions
are either releasing the power of God in your life, or they're
releasing the power of the devil.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour.1Peter 5:8
Notice that it's "whom he may devour." Satan cannot devour
(or destroy) you without your cooperation. One way he gains that cooperation is through ignorance.
You need to set a watch before your mouth (Ps. 141:3) and
take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5.) You need to control your actions (Gal. 5:22-24) and recognize that the demonic realm is trying to take a shot at
you every day of your life.
If you allow a door to be opened to them, they'll come in for no other purpose than to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10.) Remember, Satan is looking for whom he may devour.
God wants you to yield to Him so that
His power and blessings can be released in you. Satan wants you to yield to him so that destruction and death can be released in you
Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
James 1:14-15
Sin is conceived in your emotions. Every time you have a negative emotion—whether it be sadness, anger, fear, strife,
or one of many others—you conceive something.
Jesus is trying to release life into you. Satan is trying to steal,
kill, and destroy anything good that you have. Both are willing
and able to move and manifest those things in your life, but
the determining factor is YOU
Satan Inroads
Since we're in a spiritual battle, you can't afford to indulge the
"luxury" of strife. If you think that a certain amount of strife is
just normal—the way we're supposed to live—you're wrong. God is a God of peace...I'm not saying that we will ever live totally free from all strife from every source, but you should never just accept it, indulge it, or promote it.
However, you do need to sober up and realize that we're in a battle. You can't afford the luxury of indulging your negative emotions and getting into the flesh.
You cannot afford watching
R- and X-rated movies, indulging negative emotions, you've to recognize that you're in a battle and if you allow anything, the devil will use it against you
So you've to live a very restricted life, refraining from many things that other
people do. (Ps. 101:3; I will set nothing wicked before my eyes;
I hate the work of those who fall away;It shall not cling to me)... it may not be hurting you doing all of these but just know that you're planting seeds
We've to spend the time yielding to and
fellowshipping with the Lord in His Word, prayer, and obedience.
Strife is much more deadly than a poisonous snake! Along with envy, strife opens up an inroad for every evil work in your life.
It's time you snap out of complacency and recognize that you're in a spiritual battle. You can't tolerate envy, strife, unforgiveness or any other negative emotion.
Some people look at pornographic images and think, Well, I'll never act that out. Every time you indulge your flesh, you are releasing spiritual powers into your life.
As you give more and more of a place to the devil, I guarantee that it will cost you something. Sin will take you further than you want to go, cost you more than you want to pay, and keep you longer than you want to stay.
God's Word says, "Neither give place to the devil,"* (Eph. 4:27).
You are the one who gives Satan inroads into your life. He
takes whatever "place" you give him through your thoughts,
words, emotions, and actions.
Your emotions can give Satan a place.
Reviewed by Alex Izuka
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