Take the stairs was originally published February 7th,2012. The principles outlined in this book are only but to help guide as many who desire a change as they get to understand that Success is not about taking the escalator,its about taking the stairs. Successful people have all had to do things they didn't feel like doing in order to get where they are. Discipline is a perpetual process and the growth is in the journey;You don't get a day off. There are seven mind-blowing strategy outline in this book that you will need in order to take the stairs to the life you've always wanted. (1)Sacrifice: The paradox principle (2)Commitment: The buy-in principle (3)Focus:The magnification principle (4)Integrity: The creation principle (5)Schedule: The Harvest principle (6)Faith: The perspective principle (7)Action: The pendulum principle They are all simplified self- disciplined principles that will help liberate your potentials. So let's take a look at them...