Personal branding is what people can say about you in your absence.

It is the picture that pops up in their minds when your name pops up.

It is the word that comes readily to their mind when someone asks, who is ' Esther'?
Humans judge by the outward appearance because that is what they see, only God...I repeat...God is the one that judges by the heart.

So it is very important that we intentionally put on the outside what we have inside.

Okay, so you have a beautiful heart, you are smart and intelligent etc. But, no one is going to magically see through your appearance to know that you have all of this inside.

What i am saying is this...we should 'intentionally' put outside what we have inside.

There are different ways to do this 'intentionally' putting outside what we have inside.

It means upgrading your project in order to be outstanding.

One way is by our style of clothing. What we would focus on today.

So many people make the mistake of thinking that ...'the way we dress doesn't matter' and so just throw on anything for any occassion at all. .trust me, people are watching.

You must be intentional about your outfit and the occasion in which you are to appear.

Think back to any moment when you where in a public place, there was just an automatic reverence you had for certain people based on how they looked.

I want to emphasise again that it is God that looks at the heart,not man.

Man judges from the outside cause they cannot tear your heart open to see how gifted you are inside.

So I'm going to add that personal branding is what you are saying to people about yourself without necessarily opening your mouth.

I can judge a person and conclude based on the words that come out of their mouth. After spending 20minutes with you, is all you talk about hair, clothes, shoes...or a desire to be a better person.

Do you communicate with your words that you are going somewhere and you are willing to learn how?

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What conversations do I always see you interested in? Gossip and fights or intellectual ones about purpose?

Men have been judged by their words in the past and are still being judged by it today. Are you cautious about what you say?

Spewing out insults every five minutes in the name of "joke".
" are a fish, you are a goat.."i know you are joking, but it doesnt tell well on you as a brand.

Do people have to avoid you in public cause they know your words would tear them down..."ah, this your hair wey look like agama lizard". For crying out loud, it is a public place. What are people supposed to think about you?.

That you are a deep person passionate about purpose who just enjoys pouring out insultive words?

Do you always find ways to encourage your friends.

In order to not to drag this session because l think the nail has been hit on the head, I'm going to conclude by saying:

People are watching!
Whether you see eyes on the wall, or silence all around.

People are watching
The walls have ears.

So be intentional about your environment!

Written by Victory Osas,Spoken word artists and a writer.


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