Written by TD Jakes and was first published may 8,2007.
This book is life changing! It really made me evaluate where I am and where I am going for the rest of my life. Powerful!. It reveals truths, practical solutions and insights that enable you to progress to your full potential and to achieve the life you have always dreamed about.

Jakes writing style is so winsome just as his oratorical life I must attest to that.

REPOSITION YOURSELF:Living life without limits.
Question: How can you live life without limits when there are limitations all around you?I would love us to throw light on this in a very pragmatic way.

Well For me as a person I would say Christ was never limited so I can't as well if I continue to trust and look upon the perfect law of Liberty but then let's see what what TD Jakes has to say about this.

If you feel or think you've been limited according to the book.Releaders is a platform  where u can reach out to teach and inspire others to challenge and overcome their limitations while striving to fulfil their highest possible purposes on earth.

We have three part to this book...
(1)The sky is the limits
(2)Beyond the limits of mediocrity
(3)Beyond the limits of Success

According to Jakes,Reposition yourself:life without limits is meant to give you the tools to help you succeed and be prosperous.
None of us want to welcome regrets,but often want to leave up to the fullest Spiritually,Financially and even Relationally.No one knows but you how the extent to which public successes mask your private failures.

There are alot of things in our lives that limits us but you can only change what you are willing to confront.
If you truly want to break through your addiction to mediocrity...your recovery must be spiritual.
Repositioning is about getting of the fence unto the road of recovery.

Battles are ever changing in life and so we must look out for opportunities to learn if we are ever going to throw off the limitations of past failures.Direct your energies in connection with your goals.No matter your commitment, if your effort are poorly guided you will never achieve great result.

Another thing is that in order for us to reposition our selves towards a life without limits,we must not let our past mistakes and painful disappointment prevent us from succeeding.
If you are to reposition yourself you must seek out the options that are most conducive for your ultimate goals and you must also give yourself some permissions to close doors behind you and to say no to good opportunities if they are not advancing you strategically towards the large goal you've established for yourself.If you are truly going to know peace and fulfilment you must honour your brand;that is what you bring to the table.

PART 2:Beyond the limits of mediocrity

The greatest obstacle to success:mediocrity.This word mediocrity was used in the book as a collective term for the terrorist treat in our daily lives such as threat that steal moment from our daily lives,sabotaging opportunities to our advancement and transforming our strength into weapons of mess and destruction...rather than doing things that are remarkable, mediocrity begs you to stay put and resign yourself to the statusquo.
Mediocrity places blinders of mundane on you that you cannot see beyond the trials of the present moment-the stress,bills,laundry, illnesses,breakups... Etc and if it can keep you with its latest doubt of potential poison,then it can wear you down to where you accept the poison as the only portion available.
Everyone would relate differently to this mediocrity thing from a different perspective base on the world they live in but then permit me to relate to this from Gods perspective because  oftentimes this can be fueled by worrying a lot about what your underachievements are and the huger part could also be comparison and seeing what your circumstances have to say as opposed to the promises of God over our lives.I believe the more we focus on God and His word,the more those mundane things becomes irrelevant to people like us.mediocrity is not a word for me because I understand that people measure themselves with the world standard especially when they are trying to juggle in between situations that they weren't even met to be in the first place because they had no business been there.But then even with this understanding let's always learn to find our place of balance in everything because I guess our scale of measurement of our achievement is Christ.Thank God The author even called it a demon.
Note that this is not a call to settle for point is do not focus on what those underachievement are,redirect your energy and enthusiasm.

This part 2 deeply taught about how we can defend,overcome and achieve on our personal war with the terrorism of mediocrity from the little foxes to the great giant so that you can be able to persevere in your movement toward the prize that God has set for you.

Gratitude is also one of the greatest antidotes to complacency and mediocrity.

When it comes to your finance,repositioning is not about making more moneys in the new year,it is about budgeting what you have and having a plan that considers tomorrow.

By introduction, the author used the popular story of zacchaeus. Of which he said was his motivation for writing the book.
 It shows us that no matter how successful we think we are, without redemption it become useless.
Zach was successful by many standard but there something beyond the limit of this success.
He needed something more than the mere success he's attained and so he repositioned himself for it.

Chapter 11: BREAKING GLASS CEILING.The author talked about the struggle women passed through in decades ago. In Africa and all over the world.
And how that culture has broken over the years giving women equal opportunity as men.
Well this part shows that many people became worse in character and attitude after they must have tasted the success they've longed for.
We need to keep ourselves in check cause there's much more than the success we've craved for...
We must also strike a balance so as to achieve success in all spheres. Cause many seem to build their success on one side of their life while other parts are falling apart.
For example we can build success on our businesses while our homes are suffering.

The author emphasized on making adjustments so as to strike a balance.
Little adjustments can make a great difference.
Finally,many people seem to forget those who have made various sacrifices to help them on their way to success.
We are to cherish our families and friends who were there for us through our life's struggle for success.
We should choose those we associate with. Cause they carry our label..

We shouldn't just focus on our flight to high sky but also consider our landing. We should prepare for our retirements and the adverse seasons of life when we cannot longer do the things we do now.

Reviewed by Joppa Jezreel and Edobor Faith!


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