Reading is a journey not an event or something that should happen ones in a while in your life,reading should become the life you live everyday. An intentional way of living that will in turn rob off on other people both those that are directly or indirectly linked to you.

"Mark Twain ones asserted that the man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them".

Nobody has ever completely  said that reading is totally easy,because there are moments in times when you would have to struggle to just go through some few extra pages,but with dedication and commitment the act can be learnt overtime.The extra commitment is what builds one into becoming an avid READER,it is what is really needed for you to build that lifestyle.A lifestyle that will turn you completely from the place of mediocrity into becoming am experts at what you do.It is what is needed for you to build yourself into becoming a better reader that will ultimately turn you into a person of infleunce in your field.

Studies have identified reading as the ability to obtain meaning from words. Reading culture therefore refers to habitual and regular reading of books and information materials.

Reading culture can best be explained as a learned practice of seeking knowledge, information or entertainment through the written word.

As much as reading culture to an individual helps to increase memory power, stimulate imaginations,discipline, focus,vocabulary, innovations,creativity and skills.It also encourages quick learning since the mind must have been cultivated before hand.while at the national level it helps to enhance educational growth and development of the nation.

Reading culture requires cultivation;that is making it your daily living,like an habit or something close to that.I know that when we look at the flip side to this argument,people will agree with me especially the millenials,that they engage in reading mostly through social and online literary materials but that not withstanding the advantage that the traditional methods of reading has over a people cannot be over emphasized. The feelings that holding a physical book or even having a book shelf in the form of a Library has on you is huge,like the saying that whatever you continually focus on is magnified in your mind;it is one of the fundamental law of the universe.

If you must SOAR in your chosen field of human endeavor, reading therefore must become who you are.Read,Read and Read again.There should never be a moment in time when you get tired of reading because the day you stop reading,that day your intellectual stimulations start going on a decline.Reading is very instrumental and is more like a bridge that will help take you to the other side on your way to where you want to be in life.If you would not  read forget about leading.

To develop an effective reading culture,here are a few  tools for you to play with as we travel together  on this journey.

1:what do you intend to achieve in the next couple of years? So set a realistic goal and have a deadline attached to it.The essence of this is to help you focus effectively as you dive deeper into the world of mind emancipation.

2:Go for the books that contain information that are inline with what you intend to achieve as stated in the previous points.

3:Read for at least 15 minutes every day and be deliberate about this with rapt attention.

4:Change your attitude towards reading and nurture it.

5:use your spare time wisely by reading good books.


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