One of the most favorite quote from this book no more excuses goes thus" Do it or don't do it but don't make excuses" You have to stop using your incredible Brain to think up elaborate rationalizations and justification for taking actions In this book BRIAN TRACY says the solution to any problem is self-discipline;hmm! The book not only talked about the power that lies in self - discipline but more on how these life can be lived and practiced each day. Brain Tracy actually covered three core areas in which self discipline is very Paramount. 1:in your personal success such as Character,Responsibility,Goals,Excellence,Courage,Persistence. 2:self discipline in Business, sales and finances,money,time management, leadership,problem solving. 3:self discipline and the good life in attaining personal health and fitness,marriage, children, family,peace of mind. You don't need to have been born under a lucky stars or with incredible we...