By Richard Templar

  Richard Templar has written so many  rules-like books such as the rule of management, work,wealth,parenting,love etc...
  My personal question is;Are there really rules of love?
   In my own understanding I think rules could also mean some sets of principles,ethics,guidelines, laws...etc that if applied in a love relationship,it can help to make it better,easier,interesting and save us from a lot of damages and heart breaks.
  In the words of the author; strong ,loving relationships are what life is all about and some people are really good at it.
  The truth remains that love may be human instinct, but sharing life with other people is not always easy and since it is not always easy,let's learn from the rules base on what the author has to say and i believe that these sets of building principles will help form and sustain enduring and ultimately life enhancing relationships.
   Here are some of the rules out of the 100 given in the book.
  1:Be yourself.
  2:you can't change people.
  3:check you both have the same shared goals.
  4:accept the differences and embrace what you have in common.
  5: don't belittle your partner.
  6:respect privacy.
   7:make time for romance.
   8:don't be a nag:applicable to both parties.
   9:find friends who love the truth.
   10: Never lend money unless you are prepared to write it off.
   11:know when to let go.
    12:bitterness help no one
   So before you guys start sharing your thought and experiences on any of them...let me also add little from what I learnt from Mr Richard.
   Be yourself: you don't have to pretend to be who you are not because nobody like you have ever existed and will ever exist in the realm of time.Don't change your personality because that won't make your relationship work.
  The truth is that there is someone out there who want exactly the kind of person,complete with all your flaws and failings you come with and they won't even see them as flaws and failings,they will see them as part of your unique character.

  Chioma Jennifer:
From the above, it brings to mind the saying "can two walk together except they agree?" In same way, two persons who choose to go into a relationship have to share same goal, at least to some extent. They have to be able to see the same thing for their future. For instance her goal shouldn't be to work in South Africa while yours is to work in Canada, that wouldn't be healthy for your relationship, would it? So you must plan together, set your goals together.

   Jenny: What then happens when you can't change them but expect certain changes from them?
   REACTION: I know Richard's view of this might be different; but the truth is that,you have to be the change you are expecting from people;model it,parade it,buy them books to read,pray for might not be easy at first but with time they will,it might take years, days,months etc:most of all pray for them.
  Secondly don't be selfish,check the motive of you wanting them to change because sometimes we also need change more than the people we are trying to help.
You can't expect any more than what they can offer. You can't change people because of their character. If you know their character then you can help.

Reviewed by EDOBOR Faith


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