Starting Over

STARTING OVER by Bob Gass This little book is a book of hope which cut across life stories and how to get back on track after several failures, having in mind that those failures are just a stepping stones to what God has for us. The only person who can stop you from moving forward is you ; Regardless of how much you've been through, you can rise up and learn to take control of your life. In it we have eighteen short devotion-like chapters such as; The Rear View Mirror, Lessons From My Mother, No Excuses, Not Everybody Will Make It, Refuse to Quit, Taking Risks, The Differences is Attitude ,keep playing ,among many others. In the book, I learnt that failing doesn't mean I'm a failure; it just means I have not yet succeeded. It doesn't mean I have accomplished nothing; it just means I've learned something. It doesn't mean I have been a fool; it just means I have had the courage to take a risk. It doesn't mean I have wasted my time; it just ...