Lecture title:You May As Well Learn To Be An Entrepreneur.

Delivered by: Elvis Ajah(Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and a Network Marketing Professional).

  This is a very interesting and practical life topic. So,as usual, stay relaxed; saturate your mind to accommodate new ideas and to take risks.

    Most people tend to view the word "entrepreneur"  as barbaric and or, used only to describe someone who could not go to  school; or was not privileged to see the four walls of education and as a result, could not have a safe secure job, but relies on doing minor businesses to survive. The entrepreneur is considered a common person without an office job --- they are not salaried earners, so they are undermined. They are disregarded especially when people from other high-paying professions are mentioned---lawyer, banker,engineer, medical doctor, etc. This is how most people tend to view who truly an entrepreneur is. Unknown to these people, is the fact that an entrepreneur is a silent achiever. And what these people fail to know is the fact that *"No salary earner has ever made Forbes list(  list of the wealthiest people the world has ever known). Salary is the  bribe you take to forget your dreams."* So learn to become an entrepreneur.

    Aliko Dangote for instance is an entrepreneur. His businesses which today are empires started as nothing. He chooses not to let go his dreams for  salary but decides to follow his dreams with the passion to become an entrepreneur--- a successful one at that. Today,Dangote is the second-largest employer of labour after the Federal Government,here in Nigeria. Should he has unfollowed  his dreams & visions and takes up a job somewhere,and be paid salary,would he had gotten the fame he has today? Certainly no. Maybe by now he's somewhere answering "Yes boss. Yes sir." To who  actually is the boss. Please don't get us misconstrued. We are not condemning job persons nor saying it's bad to have a job and work as an employee. What we are saying is clear: learn to become an entrepreneur and create your own economy because your boss wouldn't allow you to grow bigger than them in their own establishments/ firms. Their desire is that you be "under" them.

   You call them boss which means ---- Busy Over *Someone's* Success. When they address themselves as the  owner or boss of the company you work with,they are --- Busying Over *'Self* Success. Create your own economy today because having one source of income is suicidal. What's your plan B?.The reason Robert Kiyosaki wrote "Rich Dad Poor Dad" 21 years ago, 1997, was because he could see this economic crisis coming. And it's coming, much bigger than the world has ever seen. Most importantly learn to become an entrepreneur so you can survive no matter what happens.
  "Let's know who an entrepreneur is"

 An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. An entrepreneur is an initiator, a challenger and a driver--- someone that creates something new,either an initiative, a business or a company. They are the beginning ( and sometimes the end) of a venture,project or activity.

   Any person who starts a new business venture is essentially an entrepreneur. That's not all you need to do to be considered an entrepreneur though. While every entrepreneur is a small business owner; not every small business owner is an entrepreneur.
     We tend to think of an entrepreneur as people who have *a talent for seeing opportunities* and the *ability to develop those opportunities into profit-making businesses*. For example American P.T. Barnum is perhaps one of the world's famous entrepreneurs. At one point, Barnum had signs posted in his Museum stating "This way to the Egress!" Excited visitors who followed the signs ended up outdoors--- necessitating going back to the front of the Museum and paying another entrance fee if they wanted to continue their tour.
    And we can also associate being an entrepreneur with being a "visionary". Entrepreneurs don't open hardware stores. They create entirely new methods of production ( Henry Ford),commercialize new technologies such as the personal computer ( Steve Jobs) or invent life-changing devices that we can't imagine being without ( Thomas Edison). Therefore, what I say to people you may as well learn to be an entrepreneur--- working to actually sincerely gain the skills of an entrepreneur--- the real-life business skills of an entrepreneur so you can survive no matter the challenges facing our economy.

Let's consider Categories of Entrepreneurs.
*Categories of Entrepreneurs*

In my book , *"The Passion To Be 'Entrepreneur"*( currently under publication), I have streamlined 4 major categories of entrepreneurs as a result of my careful study and observation over the years. They include:
a. The *no-school* entrepreneurs
b. The *in-school* entrepreneurs
c. The *after-school* entrepreneurs
d. The *job-person* entrepreneurs

I'm not going to bore you with long talk by explaining each category in detail. I'll specifically give a summary blend of each which could possibly serve as a compendium of the categories highlighted.
    Having studied carefully & examined the 4 categories of entrepreneurs identified above,you will agree with me,that, entrepreneurs cut across *all* kinds of individuals in the society--- *the schooled*( in- school category --undergraduates &graduates). They are those in school who do not want to wander aimlessly in the labour market when they are out of school. So,while still in school,they work seriously hard to  gain the real-life business skills of an entrepreneur and own little businesses that they started by themselves. *The graduate  (*after-- school category) follow the same trend just like those in school. But theirs  is that they were out of school before they became entrepreneurs.   The not schooled( those classified as illiterate or those who weren't privileged to go to school or were dropped out from school). This category even without their education in the classroom, learn through mistakes and life experiences and they became smart business owners & successful entrepreneurs. Some of them in this category deliberately left school because they no longer saw school as a guarantee for their successes. And they decided to follow their passion instead. *The final category* --those already working. This category in spite of their heavy paychecks at month end, own business empires and invest 70% of the money from their salaries in growing their businesses & other investments-- they never want to work all through their lives as employees.This is the path I recommend to all jobbers. So, to round it off,entrepreneurs are made up of those who went to School and those who did not go to school( Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Sergey Brin,etc. ) in addition to those already working. One amazing thing among these 4 categories of entrepreneurs is that school isn't or wasn't a barrier to them becoming entrepreneurs and they are all successful due to the right path they took & their decision to become entrepreneurs. You too, at least, fall in any of the above category. And you don't have any excuse for not becoming entrepreneurs. Bill Gates added that  "If you are born poor it's not your fault. But if you die poor it's your fault. " Diversify your source of income if you must gain financial freedom.  Remember "yesterday" is spelled with an O. "T o day" is spelled with an O . "T o m o rr  o w" is also spelled with 3Os. And these Os  represent opportunities. Yesterday has gone with opportunities. Today offers fresh opportunities same as tomorrow. You must be opportunistic enough that when the one thus presents itself, you don't miss out!
   When we started our company, nobody thought our FAime business could work. Project  FAime was considered impossible. Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation-- Donald Trump. That's what I did. We were almost bankrupt. But Elvis never gave up. Nobody believed it but we did. So, treat your business like it's a job-- your job. Set your hours.Show up everyday. Hold yourself accountable-- Eric Worre. Train yur team,the team will also train you. You don't need the best of people working with you. You do need the right people in your company's team. These people are coming to join you not because it's a job but because they believe the dream.They believe the  mission. And they believe the vision--  Jack Ma. Develop your business plan. What do you intend to achieve in the next three years in this business? Your business plan would guide you. Like your goals, review it daily. Keep intact, the company's or business' mission and vision.
   Most people only  pay attention to the final product of a successful entrepreneur. They say things like-- "I can never be like them " or "They got lucky." What most don't see is what they've overcome. All the struggles. The daily rejections. The heartaches.The betrayals. The rumors. The criticism. The empty bank account. And all those lonely nights while trying to make their vision a reality.
   You see the only difference between the one who quits and the one who doesn't is that they showed up everyday. They hustled everyday. They worked hard everyday. They learned from a proven mentor everyday. They improve everyday. They did all of this even though they felt like quitting everyday. And eventually they became who they are today.
    "In the end, your success will speak for itself." - Patrick Bet-David.
 *You too, can be an entrepreneur. But  you  have to key into the following tips as pointed out in my book " The Passion To Be Entrepreneur:*

•Doubt your doubts.
•Face those fears.
•Feed your focus and starve your distractions
•Face your challenges eye ball to eye ball.

*•Doubt Your Doubts*.
Doubt kills more dreams that failure ever will. If you doubt your doubts,  your doubts become powerless, subdued and dethroned. But if your doubts doubt you, they unseat you automatically from achieving that goal. "I can't afford it" shuts down your brain. " How can I afford it?" opens possibilities, excitement & dreams.

*•Face Those Fears*
FEAR of rejection? Fear of discouragement? Fear of failure? Fear of pain...? You've to face those fears. To fear is to limit. To educate is to expand. "The secret to success is learning how to use pain & pleasure instead of having pain & pleasure use you. If you do that you're in control of your life. If you don't life controls you." -- *Tony Robins*
    F-E-A-R has two meanings:
•Forget Everything And Run
•Face Everything And   Rise. The choice is yours. I'm too positive to be doubtful. Too optimistic to be fearful. Too determined to be defeated.

*•Feed your focus and starve your Distractions:
Whatever we starve shall die. If you starve any negative behavior or lifestyle of yours which doesn't  glorify God or that which the society frowns at,it would die. Cut off that relationship from those not helping you to achieve your dreams for instance, and you would have become a bird set free to fly high. "Whatever distraction in your life that you don't starve, you live forever to serve." -- *Elvis Ajah*
Whatever you don't use,you lose. Whatever you don't employ,you forfeit.
    We can call it a day. You may get my book so you could digest the remaining one tips.

 Thanks for having me,meanwhile, can we entertain questions or contributions.


So here it is

So very often I see one side of the entrepreneurial coin is always given attention at the expense of the other side.

My argument is, firstly I believe entrepreneurship is not a work or job per say but rather a mindset.

 Entrepreneurs are basically problem solvers who solve problems uniquely or add value and create an effective way for people to pay them for doing so.
So I don't agree with the view that entrepreneurs always set up businesses, some entrepreneurs actually manage businesses. Most managers have an entrepreneurial mindset. Just like Mark and few guys started facebook, facebook is still thriving today because of the other thousands of entrepreneurs who create new products and services within the facebook group.
Not every entrepreneur is set to start a business.
    We emphasize, starting a business so much in this part of the world or running a side hustle. I believe there are perks to this philosophy but it has become so magnified at the detriment of the other side
    So I want to raise the voice of those who work a 9 to 5 and don't run any side hustle but yet are still entrepreneurs in their own right. If we all started our own businesses who will work for who.My point of contention is entrepreneurship is not a job, or the end goal is not just to start a business but rather a mindset of problem solving.These group are within multinationals and conglomerates, developing new products and services in which they get bonuses for also
And please don't get me wrong sir, I'm not disputing your view of entrepreneurship, I'm only saying it's rather incomplete.

   Entrepreneurs are problem solvers as you've said. It's understood that one needs the right  mindset to work to gain the skills and operate as entrepreneur.  The gist is that irrespective of your fat bank account, one should create a second/ alternative source of income  for self,family and that which can enable you put smiles on the face of the person who may Not be so empowered or fortunate to be come one. But needs a job.

  That second or alternative stream of income can come from investment opportunities such as stocks, real estate,... Basically a rich portfolio. And all these can be done without "starting a new business.

Jennifer chioma AMADI: Hmmm... But what happens to them when they retire or lose that job?

  Elvis AJAH:If you read my book,the part3 of it says: You Can Also Save The Fallen Economy. This place encourages you to have a positive mindset and be a problem solvers. And how do you solve problems? You identify an opportunity and you use it  for profit-making businesses that would enable you for instance to provide an opportunity for someone else to manage and you pay them. That's problem solving. You too, not the govt. have saved the Economy in this regard. That's what Dongote is doing.

  Mr TOMISIN: As regards the categories of entrepreneurs, I thought you were going to mention the idea initiators, the executors, and those gifted at managing these ideas.

 Starting a businessis not the only path to financial security my dear. There are stuffs like pension scheme, retirement plans, investment such as shares, stocks and real estate, etc like I've mentioned above

Elvis AJAH; Only job-person entrepreneurs are saved. Not ninety fivers(95ers)

John JIMOH;I think the main goal of entrepreneurship is to be independent  while meeting a need.

Elvis AJAH:Entrepreneurs don't only create businesses, but own a system were people work for them. They are employers of labour. They look for passive cash generating streams to build up. Those cash generating opportunities keep bringing daily cashflow -- passive and portfolio income, which also comes month after month and year after year.

 Elvis AJAH:No matter how fat your bank account is now ,you would always need more money otherwise, you would become broke. You should have a system in place where you can earn a daily or weekly income.

Are people making money in this opportunity?
 This is the question to ask when an opportunity to make money is presented to you. If the answer is 'yes, ' you can then ask how? If there is something to learn to join others in making money,  make yourself available to learn how to conduct your business and make money.

Prosperity is basically achieved in business especially, marketing of products and services.
Ask Me How??? There is a simpler way, and I can show you how.

Elvis SEDE: 👍🏽 Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires.    courage, character and faith. Entrepreneurship is a business. Every business was started by an entrepreneur who  invested and saw the opportunity to create wealth and employment for others.   The simple  process involves:
1. Evaluating  the opportunity.
2. Assessing required resources.
3. Acquiring the resource.
4. Managing the venture.
5. Harvesting the value

  Why does society need entrepreneurs? We need thinkers, risk takers, creators, and builders.
We need ambitious people who will put themselves on the line to build real firms that add value and create jobs. They solve difficult problems and invent entirely new industries.

   The 10 key rules, according to HBS, towards  becoming a  successful  entrepreneur are:

1. Make the commitment
2. Find a problem, then solve it.
3. Think big, think new, think again.
4. You can’t do it alone.
5. You must do it alone.
6. Manage risk.
7. Learn to lead.
8. Learn to sell.
9. Persist, persevere, prevail.
10. Play the game for life.

Victory Osas: I love this. We have different forms of entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, etc. It is a problem solving mindset


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