The topic is actually a bulky one, but i will try to be as precise as much as I can be.
Success is generally defined as an outcome , result or a sort of achievement of one's goal, while
Intentional means something deliberate. In other words, our topic simply infers that the achievement of our goals is as a result of our deliberate efforts.
The definition of success is relative though, as it differs amongst various individuals, because what a child wants to achieve will be totally different from what a fully grown adult wants to achieve.
However we can divide success into four major types/ subsets, and they are:
Physical success,
Spiritual success,
Intellectual success and
Emotional success.
I clipped these subsets of success from the scripture, Luke 2:52; which says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom- intellectual success, stature-physical success”.
Favour with God- spiritual success and favour with man- relationship/emotional success.
I would expatiate briefly on the kind of success.
Physical success:
Jim Rohn says, “Take care of your body, it is the only place you have to live”
Many of us tend to trivialise the importance of taking care of our bodies, some of us even see it as carnal when we seem concerned about our physical being. However, we see others who have done the thorough work of eating healthily and participating in physical activities and we start coveting.
We have to be intentional about what we eat and do to have the kind of outlook we want, by the way nobody builds abs or muscles by chance they must have put a lot of time and effort.
Spiritual success:
This is the bedrock for all kind of success, as what takes expression on the outside is as a result of what our inner man carries. The principle for this is the simplest, and we can easily locate it in the bible, Joshua 1:8 which encourages us to “’meditate; conscious and deliberate effort on the word of God day and night...only then are we assured of good success”.
So it shows that we don’t get to the peak of our relationship with God in one day, it takes consistent effort in the study of the word, place of prayer, meditation of the word, where we acquire deeper understanding, then grow over time.
Intellectual success:
This works hand in hand with emotional success as it tends to define our personalities generally.
No one is an island of knowledge, yet we come across some people that seem to know it all, believe you me, it is not because they have some super powers, or because they are geniuses but rather they have spent so much time and energy working on themselves, through reading of books, learning from people who have more knowledge than they have, and consistent practice of the skills they have acquired.
They take responsibilities, for their actions and make deliberate choices. So when they are given a platform to express themselves, you just see them spew so much knowledge, wisdom and depth, and you get really curious about them, and over time they become icons.
Robert Greene says, " the future belongs to those who learn(intentional) more skills, and combine them in a creative way”.
No one goes to an exam hall or an interview room without being deliberate about the choice of what to study, how to appear, the mode of answering questions and the likes, this is because they know these things are necessary if they want to achieve success.
Emotional success :
This is more like an output of the other three success, it is born out of our physical being, spiritual and intellection being.
The level of work you have done on the other three subsets of success will determine what your emotional life will look like. It determines how you relate with people. It determines your feelings about yourself and others. Also it determines your general opinion of the world. If you are lacking intellectually, chances are high that your relationship with people will suffer.
If you want people to act nice to you, you have to attract them with at least a smile or a worthwhile conversation.
So my point is, everything we do to achieve success requires a deliberate, planned or intentional effort. Yes, luck may seem to bypass, these protocols, but search deeply, there must have been an iota of effort.
In conclusion, I would like to give this quote by James Allen, and it says; “He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little, he who would achieve much must sacrifice much, and he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly”.
I hereby rest my case on the topic "success is intentional"
Taught by: Adebola Kanye
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