Starting Over

by Bob Gass

    This little book is a book of hope which  cut across life stories and how to get back on track after several failures, having in mind that those failures are just a stepping stones to what God has for us.
The only person who can stop you from moving forward is you
; Regardless of how much you've been through, you can rise up and learn to take control of your life.
In it we have  eighteen short devotion-like chapters such as; The Rear View Mirror, Lessons From My Mother, No Excuses, Not Everybody Will Make It, Refuse to Quit, Taking Risks, The Differences is Attitude ,keep playing ,among many others.

In the book, I learnt that failing doesn't mean I'm a failure; it just means I have not yet succeeded.
It doesn't mean I have accomplished nothing; it just means I've learned something.
It doesn't mean I have been a fool; it just means I have had the courage to take a risk.
It doesn't mean I have wasted my time; it just means I have a reason to start over.
It doesn't means I should give up, it means I have to try harder.
It doesn't mean I'll never make it; it means I need more patience
It doesn't mean God has abandoned me; it just means He has a better idea!

I also gleaned some amazing life changing principles from the life of Jephthah. How he rose up and took control of his life in the midst of haters, self pity, resentment from all conditions that surrounded him. Instead of curling up into a ball of bad situation or whatever you may call it, he rose up and took control of his life.
God has provided everything you need to start over, stop reliving events that are dead and gone! Stop arguing with people who aren't even listening! Take all your time, your love, your energy, and give it to the future, for its time to move on.
There is no way to go forward, if you are looking at what is behind. If you do, you’ll end up in a ditch for sure!
Really, the only way to be a loser is to fail and quit, or fail and not learn from it; or fail and not look beyond it, or fail and let it define you as a failure
When you read Hebrew11:34, from the last statement that says “Out of weakness we were made strong”; it shows clearly that  in every painful experience you have ever had, is the wisdom you need to start over and do it better the next time

Thomas Edison said," Many of life's failures are just people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"
Failure is a fertilizer; it’s the stuff success grows in.
Sadly, most of us grew up in a culture where failure was unacceptable, and it was usually rewarded with embarrassment and condemnation. That perception must be changed before you can begin to move forward.
Another points is that, if you would love to break out of your negative thinking pattern, look at an area of your life where you keep failing and do the following;
Check your expectations! Write them down, and ask yourself, “Are they realistic?”, “Do I expect to do everything perfectly or succeed on the first try?”, “ How many mistakes will I allow myself before I succeed?” Then admit your expectations to reality.

Also try something different! Brainstorm at least twenty or thirty new methods and then try at least half of them. If the first ten don't work, just tell yourself, “OK. Now I know it is at least an eleven-step process”. Then keep going.

Finally, use your strengths! Utilize your best skills and strengths and then learn to starve your weaknesses. There are people around you whose dreams will come true by helping to make yours come true. Look for them.

Number of Pages:112
Moderator: Faith Edobor


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