The obsession to learn is an incredible privilege everyone should imbibe.
It is an attitude that you should cultivate and develop with time so you can begin to do it with ease. If you are not passionate about learning; forget about leading. Leadership emerges from knowing how to navigate your way through learning.

 Forget about pieces of stuff like, wow! I don't like books... In fact, I just want to learn from my own experience. Incredible! So how long do you want to live? All your life spent together cannot give you all the experience needed for you to do extraordinary things; you've got to leverage the experiences of others as well.

 "If I have seen further than other men, it's because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" (Isaac Newton).

"Learning makes you unfit for ignorance". Learning can be through books, people, situations...etc; that is what makes the journey enjoyable; You learn from different sources.

"If you can learn something new every day, you can teach something new every day". A man who has stopped learning for some time will have little or no stamina to deliver.

You don't stop learning because you feel there are no platforms for you to make things happen... Oh! Oh! Do not be in a hurry, my friend. Those moments will surely arise but you've got to be so tenaciously ready all the time for the long haul since your actions will always generate a reward system no matter how un-announcing it may seem at the onset.

"You were born pregnant and you can't leave the world without delivering your Baby", so keep the desires and aspirations alive.

 Everything that you will ever be is already within you but it has to be activated through learning. When people tell you to go learn more, how do you usually feel or think? Less or more?

 You are like the Acorn of an oak tree which doesn't usually look like an oak tree from the beginning. Until you start to train your mind to believe and understand who you truly are, you will never be more and do more. You should be the first to believe in who you are becoming, not any other person on earth cause you are your number one fan.

Whenever you learn something new, you make new connections in your brain cells that can be strengthened over time as memory as you get to rehearse the processes over and over again.

Learning requires patience and time:

 Many times we want immediate results and gratifications owning to the times that we are in. Everyone wants fast relief from effort expended. Learning is what helps to strengthen and grows all the giftings and abilities that God has embedded in us. I bet you wouldn't want to come out half-baked! So tarry more in the place of learning so that you can really bone-up in those abilities before it is fully served to the world: Quality takes time. Your capacity to learn is dependent on the image of yourself you can envisage.

Develop courage to discard some beliefs:

As you learn and grow, you develop the courage to let go of some old mindset from your court. Before you can become conscious of your belief system, you must have overtime reprogram your mind to love learning otherwise the courage won't come; you can only give out what you have on the inside. As a matter of fact, great people do more of learning than teaching, writing, training, motivating,coaching-- name them. If you have not gotten to that level where you love to learn more than display what you have got, you haven't started. Go and ask great minds in the world of business, entertainment, finance, Religion, the kind of massive learning they do in their secrets places; you will be amazed.

Perceptions deepens:

Learning helps to broaden your horizon as such you get to see everything that happens in your life and other peoples lives from a bigger and better perspective; because through the knowledge you can now relate well.
 Our perception also has a way of changing our genetic activities by solving a lot of underlining issues via helping to resharpen our outward formation; It starts with a growth level of spontaneous intuition after which it migrates to the ability to know much which will create a depth of perception in you.

Stiffen your resolve:

You are different, no doubt about that; but how many people really believe this stuff? Making an absolute resolve that you will do whatever it takes to be committed to learning will completely change the trajectory of your life. Sure it will my friend, I am telling you the real truth. No doubt that you will go through detours in the process, but if you are ready for a shift in your life, you will scale through. When your resolve in life becomes stiffened, it is then learning becomes who you are, no longer what you do.


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