The Christian race is a potential one likened to the marathon race. It has to do with precept after precept, but on a steady upward and forward race in glory. The pattern and prescription of our race is predetermined by God, the maker of life. But man must cooperate with God and show interest in remaining steadfast while the race last
Why do Christians backslide is a book fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, to combat one of the world’s most greatest battles where so many think they stand and they have missed it and are backslidden, although they still manifest spiritual gifts because the gift of God is without repentance.
The book, ‘’ why do Christians backslide?’’ chronicled the fall from faith, examined: Backsliding, Impatience, Disobedience, Lack of Vision, Lack of purpose and lust of the flesh as signs to prayerfully watch out for. You must be willing to embrace the challenges of life, live your best and take responsibility for purpose accomplishment in life. This book present how you can find the loop holes to failure and stay responsible for the success of your destiny.
This book is a source of hope for every believer who is struggling and are backsliding in one way or the other to sprout again at the scent of the living water [the word] to wax strong and to guide as many that are still holding on to faith till the end, by guiding their salvation with fear and trembling and taking heed to God’s word, lest they fall.
This book is insightful and thought provoking and it would definitely compel you to establish some patterns in life that will make you guide against destiny failure. You must develop hatred for failure and passion for success to make your life count. A failure score in the Christian race is a recipe for all-round failure in life. This book is strongly recommended for anyone who desires to run the Christian race in order to finish well and finish strong.

About the Author.
Usoro O. Augustine is a teacher, a worshipper, a motivational speaker, a counsellor and a leader, who has led religiously, administratively and Politically. He is a graduate of Joemarine Institute Of Nautical Studies and Research, a graduate of Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi. He has a vision of doing little things in a great and mighty way and also believes there is always room for improvement.

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