The tendency for you to be able to understand the best mood neccessary for your assimilation to thrive;the more reading becomes more interesting to you.

 You might have been reading before now without you taking a conscious effort to really  study the best mood at which you can assimilate best,now is the time for you to start doing so. Become more conscious with it because consciousness has a way of manipulating  the brain to produce the mind in which the best mood to really study is seated.

 Take for instance a person who just woke up from the bed reaching out to his/her book all because there is a deadline that needs to be met. How well will that kind of a person have a grabber of the book fully?

   Don't also expect me to read when I am unhappy because how you feel whether negatively or positively can greatly impact the level at which you can relate to whatever you are reading at a time.

 Come on,have some pep talk.Self- motivate yourself so as to pull you out of that negative mood before you even read.Remember impacting your mind requires that it is well prepared otherwise it will not receive anything.

 Also understand that It is a working mind that puts men ahead in life and when your mind is not functioning rightly at a time,it can't absorb information well enough.New beauties are waiting to be born by your mind so don't waste your time on a bad mood.Talk and read your self up.

Here are some few points to drive this subject home better  for you to really chew on.


  Habituation has a way of helping you to understand  what it means to read over and over again in a particular  period and still be able to absorb what you have read. Some people just want to read to fulfill all righteousness and I even hear people say just fake it so your children  will emulate you and start reading just like as it happened in the case of the famous Ben Carson and his mother.

 The story line is that she could hardly read but just because she wanted her children  to cultivate this reading culture, she started faking it added with some other disciplinary measures that she innovated such as putting off the TV until they were able to finish up a book pending on the agreement between Ben,his older brother and their mum.It really worked for her because by this method the best Neurosorgeon in the world at some points in history was birthed.But remember, it was so the children could cultivate the habit not necessary for herself.

 How did you learn your A,B and C's or the times table? You've  got to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it over and over again till you got used to it. So when you keep repeating  and practicing the acts of reading sooner or later you will learn  the best time suitable for you to understand  and draw out treasures from books.


 Then you have to also begin to check out at what points in your life do you experience  a super learning ability probably  at that point where your emotions are really heightened and synchronized  with the thought  of reality,at that point, i would say it just got started. Go over it again and this time be more deliberate  and watch how your world changes.


 You've got to prime your self with the heightened state of gratitude and joy remembering fully  the kinda achievement that you might have made over the past years via reading whether the periods when you were about to write one exams or in an instituted environment that mandated you to read in order to achieve success maybe necessary for promotion.


  this points here is kinda funny you know. Falling in love here means when you get to understand  the best mood neccessary for creativity  to come alive during reading, then you realise that reading just got better and better. You will begin to honeymoon through books all your life because by this time you will be operating  right from your subconscious  mind


When you are reading and you are able to envision the image via your minds eye,then reading becomes more enjoyable and natural.You will begin to have a  feel of  other people's culture,their Cuisine,lifestyle and a whole lots more.Your mood will lighten up because your ability to relate with these things directly is adventurous in itself.


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