Writing is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form.writing is the forth of the four language skill that include Listening,Speaking,Reading.
  Being a writer means writing for a reader as much as for yourself,that is a crucial step because it does something to your writing,it makes you more alert to the craft of language,so in writing for a reader,your Job is to arose their imaginations because reading actually makes one to access the imaginations of the inner mind.
  Why should you even write?
  If you don’t know why you should write, here are a few reasons from MYLES MUNROE

1:“The world is ruled by dead men.”       Most of the ideas that govern our societies, cultures, laws, religions and philosophies today were first written down by those whose lives passed from this earth long ago.
      Writing gives you the power and ability to leave your thoughts beyond your grave. Ideas outlive men. Books outlive those who wrote them. Your book will outlive you and give your ideas, your voice and your influence life beyond your grave.
  You do have ideas that are worth reading. Believe it. And your ideas should live beyond your generation. Nothing is as powerful as a book. No matter how much technology changes and evolves, whether it’s in printed, digital or audio format, the book remains king.
Dr. Munroe reminds us that “books are so important that God wrote one Himself.” If God used a book to preserve Divine knowledge, shouldn’t we consider the use of books to preserve our ideas beyond our generation?
 2: Your ideas, written in a book add to your credibility. Spoken ideas die when a person stops speaking. Written ideas receive credibility. It’s in human nature to accept the written word,even if the ideas written aren’t always true. Whether it is fair or deserved, published authors enjoy greater credibility for their ideas than those who have ideas but no books.
3:A book allows you to multiply and expand your influence geographically and socially. It expands your capacity to impact people. A great public speaker can address 50,000 people in a single city to share her ideas. A great author can touch millions of lives around the world, free from the restraints of any single location or gathering.
Finally, If you have not started,do something about it,go online,make research about the idea because nobody can write the way you can.

  There's this belief that when an old black man dies in Africa, the equivalent of an entire library is burnt in the West. Lack of writing is still what doesn't give Africa as a continent Her due respect in the global platform. Our forefathers failed to document our history and the white men came with their skills of writing to rewrite our history for us and tells us that we only started existing when they started writing about us.
Let's learn to write and leave legacies that our children can read about and not what people on the outside tells us.
 The power of writing can never be undermined, let's liberate ourselves today by developing our writing skill.
  The primary reason for writing anything is to communicate with others, to stimulate interest or action from the reader. You may also use writing to help you to reflect on your experiences and learn from them.
 It is fixed and is therefore more permanent. You can keep coming back to a previous piece of writing and you may gain more benefit from reviewing it as a result.
  Writing offers you time and space to re-draft and re-focus your message. In this way, perhaps, it is easier than spoken communication. When speaking, you have to think of words and immediately release them to the audience, and once spoken there is no opportunity to 'edit' them before they are heard.
 The process of writing is something that you can constantly learn from, and cumulatively feedback and reflection on your writing can help you to develop as a writer. However, an important benefit of writing is also that as a form of assessment a piece of writing can be self-contained with its own deadline and a particular purpose. You do not have to keep writing the same piece for the same purpose.
 Writing sometimes has more impact than other communication channels. Through writing, you can select language to influence the thoughts and actions of your reader in particular ways, guiding them through your evidence and argument to convince them of your analysis and conclusions.
 Even if millions of persons have written on that same topic, they can't do it your style.

  Taught by EDOBOR Faith!


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