Before we begin, let us define the word, "writer." A writer is a creator who plays with words. Creativity is something we got from our father, God. The whole earth came from a single thought. So, as a writer, you are a creator with thought flying in all the time. Have you ever wondered or asked yourself, "what if God had procrastinated his thinking? What will this earth have looked like?
Procrastination, they say, is the stealer of time. It means putting what should be done today for tomorrow. One thing we need to know as writers is that one's mind generates ideas but do not hold them. Do you agree with this? We need to act on every idea that comes in, whether complete or not.
Sometimes, procrastination and perfectionism often go hand in hand. Perfectionists tend to procrastinate because they expect so much from themselves. You don't need to know the complete piece. You only need to start. I will be sharing some reasons why writers procrastinate. These reasons include:
1) We say "I can't function in this messy environment, I need to arrange everywhere. Challenge yourself instead and aim at attaining the point where there is no condition you can't work in.
2) "I know it's time for writing but I just haven't done enough research yet. Challenge yourself instead and realise that you can never get enough information. You need to start with the one you have now and keep doing your research.
3) We say, "what I write must be perfect, I can't write anything until I have a perfect statement. Challenge yourself instead and understand that your first draft does not have to be perfect.
4) Fear of Failure: Sometimes, we are scared that what we write will not make sense or be readable. We fail to realise that failure is actually the first step to success. Fail a lot, just don't relax there. Move on.
I want to ask fellow writers a question. If I should give you a sponsor today, right now, will you have content to deliver?
Be ready as if today is the D-day. We need to make ourselves accountable. Set deadlines for yourself. Other thoughts for us to ponder on are as follows:
~There is no thing as procrastination. It's just a Queen's English word.
~What we really do is deciding, not procrastinating.
~Every moment, you are making a decision about what to do and the outcome is always based on what really matters to you.
So when next u procrastinate that writing, just know that writing is not important to you. You may delay but time will not.
Let me share some quotes with you;
~Don't wait for the right time. The time will never be right.
~Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. So, why say tomorrow? If you are a writer, I'm sure you understand.
~Everything we see today - all the books, movies, businesses, ideas, etc are made from one thought. So who knows? That thought which you keep procrastinating could be your breakthrough. Make every thought count.
~Just write.
~Make those imperfect thoughts become perfect.
Rules to Overcome Procrastination
1) The first hour of the day is working hour.
2) Become more self aware of what you want.
3) Block any distractions.
4) Embrace imperfections.
In conclusion, there is no such thing as being perfect. It's a cage, instead. Make all the mistakes in your writing, stand to be corrected. So long as we are making progress, we are moving and the sky is not even a limit. See you at the top.
Teacher: Peace Simon
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