The first time I saw this book on a book store,I was really fascinated by the name,and then I became so inquisitive,didn't even get to the house before I started reading,lol!
 The book is really an incredible juicy resource that has taught me a lot about how to eat more of living food rather than the usual cooked(dead) food that we've all been taught and accustomed to.
 From various testimonies in this book,you will come to learn that all around the world, people from different walks of life have really been inspired to stop and reconsider their daily food consumption habits.
 One of the main author of the book  'Malkmus' claims his change to a diet of raw fruits, vegetables, and carrot juice saved his life after a cancer  of more than 35 years ago which actually birthed this movement.
  The Hallelujah Diet encouraged 85% raw and unprocessed plant-based food and 15% cooked plant-based food.
 The authors also claim that meat can “get trapped” in our system, delay elimination, and cause toxicity and illness. The cornerstone of the program is the belief that eating raw foods is the best way to get the nutrients you need, restore damaged cells, and have long-lasting health.
 This lifestyle is adopted from the Bible portion of  Genesis 1:29.
 The truth is that God created powerful system of immunity and self- healing within our bodies,more perfect than science can ever synthesize.But for those systems to be fueled properly ,we must be willing to put the right elements in our mouth.
 Unfortunately since the age of enlightenment,modern science has ignored God as intelligent Designer,instead ,science tends to subdue nature,rather than work with it.instead of joining forces with our immune system we overpower it with drugs.For instance instead of recognizing a tumor as a symptom of an underlying imbalance,we surgically remove it and believe the problem is gone,what a mess?
 The hallelujah diet is a book that has addressed the intake of a clean food plant-based diet that has been proven through different testimonies of people healed from various ailments when they adopted this lifestyle ranging from diabetes, cancer,osteoporosis,appendices, cardiovascular diseases etc.
  Finally, For me the path to a better healthy life is really my concern,that's why am also encouraging you guys out there  through this medium to adopt this method by following the path of gradual substitution to a complete lifestyle change.I have started mine already... Thanks!

Reviewed by Edobor Faith


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