
Showing posts from 2019


Becoming good and exceptional at what you do requires a good number of years with deliberate and conscientious practice. Hard work will only amount to excellence when it is deliberate. why we're surrounded by so many people who have worked hard for decades but have never approached greatness. Deliberate practice is hard. It hurts. But it works. More of it equals bet-ter performance. Tons of it equals great performance. Some key observations about deliberate practice are. Great performance is become more valuable and competitive in our world today especially in sports. "Contemporary athletes are superior not because they're somehow different but because they train themselves more effectively. That's an important concept for us to remember". The pressure on us to keep getting better is greater than it used to be because of a historic change in the economy says the author. CWhatonting the unexpected facts about innate abilities. Mozart was a maestro who st...


Imagination is a muscle that has to be exercised otherwise it will lose its ability to create and bring things alive. Many at times young people tend to use it for other activities such as watching TV, pornographies, surfing the internet, and some other form of indulgement. Hence, their imaginative power becomes atrophied over an extended period due to a lack of engagement. Repeatedly, people imagine what they don't want because they are most often oblivious of the deep truth that imagination is one of the greatest faculty that God has blessed a man with. If you can imagine, then you will get it. Begin to imagine that you are a great reader; set your mind on it continuously. Act like the person you want to become. Everyone has an instinctive ability to be creative; that is how we have been prewired. The painful thing is that some have decided to use theirs more than others. Bob proctor calls the imagination "The greatest nation in the world". Let reading stimu...


Have you been contemplating about what you would say, when at an interview you are asked “Who are YOU”? Are YOU wondering about how to promote your personal brand in order to stand out in this competitive world? Perhaps, YOU have many plans, big dreams and ambitions you desire to achieve but you don’t how. Or maybe, YOU have heard that “your network is your net worth” and hence you’re curious to have an in-depth knowledge on what networking is all about. Dear reader, you’ve found the right book to arm you with the understanding it takes to make you clear-headed, confident, competent, courageous, complete and calmed to enter into any interview room without any fear, and to be outstanding that employers would crave for. With grace and gut-level honesty, Helina Siripi declares that IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU is for YOU to rediscover your value as well as the true power YOU possess to be successful in this life and to determine your eternal destiny. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Helina Siripi is a s...


 How you connect learning to your leadership career in this day and age is an ever-expanding scope since the world is literally moving and changing on a very fast pace. If there has ever been any generation that has experienced such a massive level of dynamism; I think it is this generation. But some people are so backward that it will take an extreme amount of work and effort to help them catch up with their fellow career counterpart. For reasons that they ain't learning and making research to actually keep up with all the recent technological trends in their fields. You need more ways to diversify your learning since the focuses of it are ever-expanding. 1. Be more flexible to knowledge and information especially those areas related to your career or chosen field of interest. 2. Become more concern about learning something new every day. I think there should come a time in your career when you really have to be ready for a shift in paradigm. Until you mature to that le...


Pastor Dami Oguntunde writing style is as winsome as his oratorical flare I must say. With powerful Biblical anecdotes as it relates to every subject matter. Pathfinder consists of about ten chapters: "Redefining greatness", Purpose; the promise and the process", "Understanding time", "The four ultimate seasons in destiny", "The power of relationships", among many others. In the book is embedded wisdom as it relates to the age-old subject; purpose discovery. Reading this book is really going to disrupt and bring an end to all the ranging argument that has been going on in your head concerning this matter. "Purpose is more than a journey, it  is a combination of the promise and the process", Says Dami Oguntude. When I first picked up this text, I had a lot of personal questions that I needed answers for such as; which aspects of the conversation on this subject is really missing? Does the book really contain potential re...


The obsession to learn is an incredible privilege everyone should imbibe. It is an attitude that you should cultivate and develop with time so you can begin to do it with ease. If you are not passionate about learning; forget about leading. Leadership emerges from knowing how to navigate your way through learning.  Forget about pieces of stuff like, wow! I don't like books... In fact, I just want to learn from my own experience. Incredible! So how long do you want to live? All your life spent together cannot give you all the experience needed for you to do extraordinary things; you've got to leverage the experiences of others as well.  "If I have seen further than other men, it's because I have stood on the shoulders of giants" (Isaac Newton). "Learning makes you unfit for ignorance". Learning can be through books, people, situations...etc; that is what makes the journey enjoyable; You learn from different sources. "If you can learn so...


The Christian race is a potential one likened to the marathon race. It has to do with precept after precept, but on a steady upward and forward race in glory. The pattern and prescription of our race is predetermined by God, the maker of life. But man must cooperate with God and show interest in remaining steadfast while the race last Why do Christians backslide is a book fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, to combat one of the world’s most greatest battles where so many think they stand and they have missed it and are backslidden, although they still manifest spiritual gifts because the gift of God is without repentance. The book, ‘’ why do Christians backslide?’’ chronicled the fall from faith, examined: Backsliding, Impatience, Disobedience, Lack of Vision, Lack of purpose and lust of the flesh as signs to prayerfully watch out for. You must be willing to embrace the challenges of life, live your best and take responsibility for purpose accomplishment in life. This book prese...


A friend sticks closer than a brother especially for your well-being and that is what books can do for you as well.When you starts going through challenges,there are books also peculiar to those challenges just because there is nothing new on earth; people have gone through it before. A friends true advice is a therapy, so also is a good book. Stick to good books and you will be glad you did. The kind of books you read inform your decision making ability and can lead to a growth level such as. KEEN CONNECTIONS: When you read, you will begin to connect with people, life and situations on a deeper level, since you are going to be having a broader perspective as to how they now think and relate as well.  Books are your friends because every subject has a language that can connect to both your powerful emotions and your analytical minds. Every author teaches a different level of consciousness and we are all part of the same one consciousness which is God. Saturate y...


The tendency for you to be able to understand the best mood neccessary for your assimilation to thrive;the more reading becomes more interesting to you.  You might have been reading before now without you taking a conscious effort to really  study the best mood at which you can assimilate best,now is the time for you to start doing so. Become more conscious with it because consciousness has a way of manipulating  the brain to produce the mind in which the best mood to really study is seated.  Take for instance a person who just woke up from the bed reaching out to his/her book all because there is a deadline that needs to be met. How well will that kind of a person have a grabber of the book fully?    Don't also expect me to read when I am unhappy because how you feel whether negatively or positively can greatly impact the level at which you can relate to whatever you are reading at a time.  Come on,have some pep talk.Self- motivate yourse...


The life we live can only be harnessed in the place of question and questions give birth to the right information that are needed to awaken your interest.   So what is your interest? "Someone ones said if you don't ask the right question,you won't get the right answer and Dr.Mike Murdock also wrote;Until you ask the right questions, your information is going to be accidental". Which means that if you don't ask the right questions base on the place of importance,you will definitely not get the right answer that will lunch you into the place of your reality. I recently learnt of an old woman name Lisa who went back to school at the age of 70 in a South-African university to study Journalism haven developed such interest from personal research work that was targetted towards self development.You see that it is never too late to achieve your goals at any level. That is what we are talking about,being able to know exactly what you want, what you need to ha...


I can never stop reading;can this ever be your statement?”Albert Einstein ones said that the day you stop learning,you start dying”.It is ok for it to be mechanical from the onset,tarry a little more,sooner or later it will become a natural phenomenon.The goal is for you to become a truly spontaneous reader so that  the energy to be consistent can truly come alife. Bringing values to the market place really takes a lot of energy,and most often this energy    is built through a deliberate and consistent acts of self-development .Do you want to attain mastery in your craft so that you can become a sort after personality?then make reading habitual.People will be attracted to your world when your energy is raised. The moment reading become natural to you, your personality and whose you will begin to evolve.I am obsessed with books today because through it i have experienced several moment of triump in my life. I also realise that working smarter on myself p...


Books allows   you to stimulate the future without having to actually do all the   trials and errors.Through books your world can be fine-tuned through a change of perspective.From books you would be able to get ideas that would help you navigate the world.   I have grown to love books for so many reasons and of which the list is endless.when I read,it opens me up into another world of imagination through a concienscious focus of my mind and concentration of all that is within the fibres of my being.I came to realised that every single thing that happens in my life sometimes also happens in other   peoples lives even though we all live and exist in a different world because of our assignment and purpose in life.So I am of the view that there should never be a day that you don’t open up a book to glean just one more line of idea and thought of another person because whatever you need to build   and ripen the idea that God has placed in your heart mig...


SELL WITHOUT SELLING is a book written by Lady Theresa a.k.a The Sales goddess,  with over 13 years selling experience.  She is a sales trainer,  coach and consultant. Also a passive income advocate. Number of pages 89 Year published 2019 The book is a complete guide to selling effortlessly as an employee, freelancer or business owner. Sell without Selling is a book that will guide every reader on how to sell effortlessly without it looking so obvious that you’re selling. People love to buy but hate to be sold to, so, how can you as a salesperson ensure people buy your products without expending much effort? That is what the book will teach you. *Ten benefits of reading the book.* 1. Selling basically starts with the individual. In the book, you will learn how to work on your subconscious to afford you the opportunities to always close sales. 2. You will learn how to use your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage. 3. One of the key factors in ...
Mission: 1:To encouraged people to read at least one book per month and also give a report of what has been read. 2:Train people on the techniques to read and learn faster. 3:Awaken the reading culture of  People both locally and internationally. 4:To Make reading a lot more fluid,effortless and interesting via a well organized system. Vision: Inspiring and birthing great minds that unleash the geniusities in them. Objectives: 1:To develop passion for reading. 2:Build leaders whose aspiration for growth is contagious. 3:To help encourage individuals to always aspire for more. 4:To also promote premium skills relevant to the 21st century that people over the years have learnt by reading. Core Values: Reading Learning Commitment Dedication Leadership Result Stake holders. Youth Schools Teenagers Children Government Head of various institutions Lecturers/Teachers Organizations


*ABOUT THE BOOK* The subject of leadership has always been on the top burner in any sphere, from individuals to groups, to organisations, to brands, to businesses and nations. Everything has always and will continue to revolve around leadership. This has led to the springing up of materials on how to be a better leader, or how to simply lead in any given moment or platform. And true to this, there has been inexhaustible materials on this subject of leadership so that it has become an over-saturated topic, where everyone has an idea what leadership is or should be. Which is good when knowledge shakes hands with action. But! No one has actually asked the most vital question in all these discussions, and that is; Why Must You Lead? Why Should You Choose To Lead? Why Should You Be The Leader? Why Should You Lead? Why You? Why Not Another? All through the ages, the question of How, Where, Whom, What, When and Where has been repeatedly attended to when it comes to Leadership...


Reading is a journey not an event or something that should happen ones in a while in your life,reading should become the life you live everyday. An intentional way of living that will in turn rob off on other people both those that are directly or indirectly linked to you. "Mark Twain ones asserted that the man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them". Nobody has ever completely  said that reading is totally easy,because there are moments in times when you would have to struggle to just go through some few extra pages,but with dedication and commitment the act can be learnt overtime.The extra commitment is what builds one into becoming an avid READER,it is what is really needed for you to build that lifestyle.A lifestyle that will turn you completely from the place of mediocrity into becoming am experts at what you do.It is what is needed for you to build yourself into becoming a better reader that will ultimately turn you into a...

The 360 degree leadership by John.C.Maxwell(SECTION 1)

John Maxwell who is a strong beacon and figure in the leadership sphere has once again released into the world a book to help us understand better the role of leadership not just to an organization, but in our personal life and development. So that we can lead ourselves and families to our predetermined goals. So who is a 360 degree leader? Leadership is all about influence. How much you can influence people around you.Your leadership level is determined by how many people you influence and the calibre of people you can influence. And in this world were success can be influenced by social skills, one needs to be able to influence not just those who are his subordinates, but also those at same level as he is and those who are levels above him. A 360 degree leader is one who leads/influences not only his subordinates, but his peers and also influences his leaders and their peers too. Being a 360 degree leader is not easy, but with the dedication to do it, you can achieve it. Le...


Written by TD Jakes and was first published may 8,2007. This book is life changing! It really made me evaluate where I am and where I am going for the rest of my life. Powerful!. It reveals truths, practical solutions and insights that enable you to progress to your full potential and to achieve the life you have always dreamed about. Jakes writing style is so winsome just as his oratorical life I must attest to that. REPOSITION YOURSELF:Living life without limits. Question: How can you live life without limits when there are limitations all around you?I would love us to throw light on this in a very pragmatic way. Well For me as a person I would say Christ was never limited so I can't as well if I continue to trust and look upon the perfect law of Liberty but then let's see what what TD Jakes has to say about this. If you feel or think you've been limited according to the book.Releaders is a platform  where u can reach out to teach and inspire others to ch...
The Man Who *Reads NOT*, is on par with He who *CAN'T!* Welcome to *ReLeaders* - _A Mind-Building (Whatsapp) platform for the Enrichment of our Minds - for it is the the Doorway to our Human Spirit._ Our aim is to bring together, people of diverse backgrounds, so as to Encourage, Motivate, Inspire, and Instill a Wealth of Virtue for an Unparalleled Life. Not All Lifestyle is permissible! Hence, if we must stand out as Leaders and be a Standard in our World, then we must _"NOT be conformed to the Pattern of this World : but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWAL of our MINDS, that by Testing, we may PROVE and DISCERN...what's GOOD, ACCEPTABLE and PERFECT...."_ The Leeway into one such Transformation and Renewal of the Mind to a perfection is... *"READING!"* To this effect, our WhatsApp platform is arraigned with a placard of Activity Series, viz. _*** Review of (at least) one book per month._ _*** Interactive Sessions on Matters Arising._ _*** Appreciation,...